My little part of the Internet

Author: kevster (Page 4 of 7)

My beef with Apple

I have been thinking about just putting some thoughts down for a while. I’d also like to say I don’t have a favourite vendor or affinity with a manufacturer. I work with Microsoft, Google and other companies stuff all the time. The right tool for the job is my ethos.
Recently I have got a real hump with Apple in general. We have had (in total) in our house:

  • iPod classic
  • 2 x iPod touch
  • iPhone 4
  • iPad 2
  • Unibody MacBook
  • So you can’t say I can’t talk about their stuff as they have certainly taken my money.
    My main problem is how quickly they seem to abandon products and stop releasing upgrades/patches. My old first gen iPod Touch is stuck on iOS 3 something which has known security vulnerabilities and at the time they could of fixed. In the end it helped as I could use the PDF flaw to install Cydia but that’s another story. My iPhone 4 and iPad 2 are more than capable of running Siri but no you need to upgrade. ( Turns out its crap anyway but that’s not the point ). iOS 6 maps are a joke and don’t get me started on there ‘Enterprise’ features such as VPN that I’m currently fighting with.
    Their lock in also annoys me. The only method of playing stuff purchased on iTunes’s is to use a MacBook with iTunes and let that download purchased tunes so you can extract MP3’s from its file system. So iCloud won’t let you access anything of use using a browser. Not even my bloody photos taken with iDevices. Even my MacBook running OSX Lion can’t unless I pay £10 for an iPhoto upgrade. And iTunes is still a spreadsheet smothered in excrement.
    Don’t get me wrong. The industrial design is mostly beautiful and has helped inspire/ kick the industry into making decent products. However they also make some stupid decisions like the new lightning connectors on the new kit. 1000’s of aftermarket devices just going to end up in landfill or lots of £20 adapters being sold……
    I’m astounded that normal folks will pay a lot of their hard earned money to buy their devices. Perhaps they don’t care about some of the things I have said but its very difficult to explain to them that no I can’t get your pictures off easily or no you music can’t be played anywhere else
    Me. Well the iPad and macbook are going soon. The iPhone went a while back so I have nearly purged my life of their stuff. Not good riddance but more ‘go away, get your sh1t together and don’t bother me for a while’

    RSA Authentication Manager–Custom Reports

    Working with this product, its evident that the inbuilt reports are not that useful for certain things.   I wanted to find a way of logging users who have used SecurID to authenticate against a number of hosts.

    So time to learn the custom queries section of the product, me thinks.

    The Server is (obviously) SQL based.  The schema is fairly easy to understand, especially if you look at the examples within the help text or provided on the server.

    It is possible to import my SQL scripts by creating a new Custom Query then pasting in the SQL. So…. scripts:

    Todays Unique User Count

    FROM SDLogEntry 
    WHERE dtLocalDate = GMTDateNow   
    AND iMessageNum = 1011   
    AND (CHClientName = "host1" OR CHClientName = "host2")

    Remember to change the host1 and host2 entries to your device host names obviously.  If you have more then add more to the last AND

    Message Number 1011 is a ‘Passcode Successful’ – meaning a successful authentication

    Todays Successful Users

    SELECT SDLogEntry.dtLocalDate, SDLogEntry.TLocalTOD, SDLogEntry.chUserName, SDLogEntry.chLogin, SDLogEntry.chClientName, SDLogMessage.chShortMessage
    FROM SDLogEntry, SDLogMessage 
    WHERE SDLogEntry.dtLocalDate = GMTDateNow   
    AND SDLogEntry.iMessageNum = 1011   
    AND SDLogMessage.iMessageNum = SDLogEntry.iMessageNum  
    AND (SDLogEntry.CHClientName = "host1" OR SDLogEntry.CHClientName = "host2")

    Again 1011 is a successful passcode.

    This uses a select from multiple tables to get the actual description of the message number to make the report more readable.

    Todays Failures

    SELECT SDLogEntry.dtLocalDate, SDLogEntry.TLocalTOD, SDLogEntry.chUserName, SDLogEntry.chLogin, SDLogEntry.chClientName, SDLogMessage.chShortMessage
    FROM SDLogEntry, SDLogMessage 
    WHERE SDLogEntry.dtLocalDate = GMTDateNow   
    AND SDLogEntry.iMessageNum <> 1011   
    AND SDLogMessage.iMessageNum = SDLogEntry.iMessageNum  
    AND (SDLogEntry.CHClientName = "host1" OR SDLogEntry.CHClientName = "host2")

    This uses the same format as success but with a ‘not’ 1011.  The report can be useful to troubleshoot users having problems or who are dim 🙂

    Using Arguments to Select Dates

    All of the above are for a single day, which is which is specified by the ‘GMTDateNow’ value.  This can be changed to use Argument Selectors which you can build in the same screen as the SQL entry.  Thus an example of ‘Successful Users’ would be:

    SELECT SDLogEntry.dtLocalDate, SDLogEntry.TLocalTOD, SDLogEntry.chUserName, SDLogEntry.chLogin, SDLogEntry.chClientName, SDLogMessage.chShortMessage
    FROM SDLogEntry, SDLogMessage 
    WHERE SDLogEntry.dtLocalDate > ARG01 AND SDLogEntry.dtLocalDate < ARG02
    AND SDLogEntry.iMessageNum = 1011   
    AND SDLogMessage.iMessageNum = SDLogEntry.iMessageNum  
    AND (SDLogEntry.CHClientName = "host1" OR SDLogEntry.CHClientName = "host2")

    Where ARG01 = Start Date and ARG02 = End Date

    These can be applied to any of the reports.

    Other Information

    One thing I found is that the custom queries are stored locally on the machine that create the reports so to share them to others you have to use a fileshare, USB disk or similar method.

    Also the HTML format reports aren’t to bad so its worth a look at using this output method.


    Yay. I’m finally free of my iPhone 4 as of a couple of days ago. They may be fairly decent portable computers but IMHO are second rate phones. Also once you are outside of the standard apps most of the others are pretty crummy
    I’m now the proud owner of a Nokia Lumia 900 running Windows Phone 7. If you want to see something really well thought out with beautiful hardware then check one out. The integration the OS has with Twitter and Facebook is really good and sets a standard iOS really needs to catch up to
    Plus im not an iSheep (well apart from the iPad, Mac and old iPod Touch) but im working on that!

    Orange + iphone4 + 3G = pile of shit

    I have been a loyal (?) customer of Oranges for over 15 years but am at the end of my tether with their network
    I have an iPhone 4 and yes I know it’s a crap phone but why is there 3g network so bad. I am working in a ‘new’ town so would expect decent coverage but no. 3G lies like a cheap watch and is slower than manually setting GPRS, calls continually drop even when the phones showing 3 bars. The place I’m working for even uses Orange as a supplier for 3G and I’m not sure how they put it with the shoddyness.
    I have the same issue at home but made even worse by continually swapping between Orange/T Mobile. Supposedly the result of their ‘everything everywhere’ initiative that feels like ‘nothing nowhere’
    Take my advice. Leave or avoid Orange at all costs!!!!!

    Windows 7– Offline files and SMB shares

    Why is it so difficult for this to work out of the box ?
    I’m currently using a hacked WD MyWorld NAS device that runs BusyBox, Optware and the latest release of Samba.   You would think offline files would be easy to get working.
    Wrong.  See and
    Why oh why Microsoft not make the offline files function out of the box.  I guess it works fine against a Microsoft server but in the spirit of greater interoperability fix it please !

    Cisco CUCM/Call Manager – Running on Sun’s Virtual Box

    Well it is possible 🙂 with a bit of hacking – but thats what its all about, isn’t it !
    I actually used an existing working VM that had been built on VMware.  I will test building one from scratch on VirtualBox but not 100% sure it will work….
    1) Get the existing VMDK and copy it to your Virtual Box machine repository
    2) Create a new VM using a Linux, Redhat, 1024MB RAM etc machine and set the disk as the VMDK
    3) Modify the machine – I removed the sound card
    4) Locate the machines XML config file.   The directory is set in VirtualBox’es config.  Edit it and add the following:

    Add the following lines to it in the "<ExtraData> </ExtraData>" section:
    <ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSVersion" value="6 "/>
    <ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemVendor" value="VMware"/>
    <ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSVendor" value="Phoenix Technologies LTD"/>
    <ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" value="VMware Virtual Platform"/> 

    (That bits from
    5) Next follow the guide here to get root access.  Make sure you use the CentOS Disk 1 rather than the Live Disk…….grrrrr
    6) Edit the /usr/local/bin/base_scripts/ script to look like this:
    We essentially comment out the hardware check and validation 🙂

    function check_deployment()
        local tmp_deployment
        # Check the deployment
    #    isHardwareValidForDeployment $tmp_deployment
    #    rc=$?
    #   if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
    #         log info "$tmp_deployment deployment Not Supported"
    #         return 1
    #    fi
        # Deployment is supported by this hardware
        log info "$tmp_deployment deployment Is Supported"
        return 0

     7) Save it and reboot
    8) The VM should come up and work !

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