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Cisco CUCM/Call Manager – Running on Sun’s Virtual Box

Well it is possible 🙂 with a bit of hacking – but thats what its all about, isn’t it !
I actually used an existing working VM that had been built on VMware.  I will test building one from scratch on VirtualBox but not 100% sure it will work….
1) Get the existing VMDK and copy it to your Virtual Box machine repository
2) Create a new VM using a Linux, Redhat, 1024MB RAM etc machine and set the disk as the VMDK
3) Modify the machine – I removed the sound card
4) Locate the machines XML config file.   The directory is set in VirtualBox’es config.  Edit it and add the following:

Add the following lines to it in the "<ExtraData> </ExtraData>" section:
<ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSVersion" value="6 "/>
<ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemVendor" value="VMware"/>
<ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSVendor" value="Phoenix Technologies LTD"/>
<ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" value="VMware Virtual Platform"/> 

(That bits from
5) Next follow the guide here to get root access.  Make sure you use the CentOS Disk 1 rather than the Live Disk…….grrrrr
6) Edit the /usr/local/bin/base_scripts/ script to look like this:
We essentially comment out the hardware check and validation 🙂

function check_deployment()
    local tmp_deployment
    # Check the deployment
#    isHardwareValidForDeployment $tmp_deployment
#    rc=$?
#   if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
#         log info "$tmp_deployment deployment Not Supported"
#         return 1
#    fi
    # Deployment is supported by this hardware
    log info "$tmp_deployment deployment Is Supported"
    return 0

 7) Save it and reboot
8) The VM should come up and work !

Cisco CUCM UCCX Queue Status Web Service

Heres a snip of somthing I wrote as an ‘add on’ the the free, Open Source SourceForge IPCC Wallboard package.
This uses code from the IPCC Wallboard package to access UCCX’s Historical database, and allows for queue information to be displayed on a Cisco IP Phone.
The formattings nasty as the IP Phone does not operate as a standard browser so theres lots of spaces and stuff to get things positioned right.
Ill post some information about how to get it working as a service in CUCM later…

<%On Error Resume Next
//   Service:      Phone Wallboard Display                            //
//   AUTHOR:      Kevin Iddles, Limited                        //
//   PURPOSE:     Display UCCX Queue information on IP Phone - Exposed as a service    //
//   VERSION:     1.1                                    //
//   History:
//        1.1 - Updated to parse query strings from CUCM to allow for spaces
//        1.0 - Updated for use on customer sites including layout
//              0.1 - Based on original version from Cisco Netpro
<!--#include file="parameters.asp"-->
Response.AddHeader "Refresh", RefreshTime
//********************************START SQL MODULE**************************************//
//   Module:      SQL Database Connector                                                    //
//   AUTHOR:      Jeremy Fielder, Leo Mourits                                                //
//   PURPOSE:     Performs Database Connections and retrieves relavent recordSets.        //
If IPCCversion = 3 Then
 WBConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = " & DBsource & "; Initial Catalog = " & DBdatabase & "; User Id = " & DBuserID & "; Password = " & DBpass
ElseIf IPCCversion = 4 Then
 WBConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = " & DBsource & "CRSSQL; Initial Catalog = db_cra; Integrated Security=SSPI;"
End If
Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") WBConnect
needor = "0"
If Request.QueryString("csqa") = "" Then
 sqlcsqa = ""
 tmpcsqa = Request.QueryString("csqa")
 tmpcsqa = Replace(tmpcsqa, "%20", " ")
 sqlcsqa = " (CSQName Like '%" & tmpcsqa & "%')"
 needor = "1"
End if
If Request.QueryString("csqb") = "" Then
 sqlcsqb = ""
 If needor = "0" Then
 tmpcsqb = Request.QueryString("csqb")
 tmpcsqb = Replace(tmpcsqb, "%20", " ")
 sqlcsqb = " (CSQName Like '%" & tmpcsqb & "%')"
 needor = "1"
 tmpcsqb = Request.QueryString("csqb")
 tmpcsqb = Replace(tmpcsqb, "%20", " ")
 sqlcsqb = " OR (CSQName Like '%" & tmpcsqb & "%')"
 End if
End if
If Request.QueryString("csqc") = "" Then
 sqlcsqc = ""
 If needor = "0" Then
 tmpcsqc = Request.QueryString("csqc")
 tmpcsqc = Replace(tmpcsqc, "%20", " ")
 sqlcsqc = " (CSQName Like '%" & tmpcsqc & "%')"
 needor = "1"
 tmpcsqc = Request.QueryString("csqc")
 tmpcsqc = Replace(tmpcsqc, "%20", " ")
 sqlcsqc = " OR (CSQName Like '%" & tmpcsqc & "%')"
 End if
End if
If Request.QueryString("csqd") = "" Then
 sqlcsqd = ""
 If needor = "0" Then
 tmpcsqd = Request.QueryString("csqd")
 tmpcsqd = Replace(tmpcsqd, "%20", " ")
 sqlcsqd = " (CSQName Like '%" & tmpcsqd & "%')"
 needor = "1"
 tmpcsqd = Request.QueryString("csqd")
 tmpcsqd = Replace(tmpcsqd, "%20", " ")
 sqlcsqd = " OR (CSQName Like '%" & tmpcsqd & "%')"
 End if
End if
If sqlcsqa = "" and sqlcsqb = "" and sqlcsqc = "" and sqlcsqd = "" Then
 sqlcsqa = " callsWaiting > '0'"
End if
sqlGetCSQstats = "SELECT CSQName, availableAgents, callsWaiting, convOldestContact FROM RtCSQsSummary WHERE " & sqlcsqa & sqlcsqb & sqlcsqc & sqlcsqd & " ORDER BY CSQName"
Set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
Set cm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
 cm.ActiveConnection = cn
 cm.commandtext = sqlGetCSQstats
Set rs = cm.execute
Response.Write deptName %>
|   Queue            |AA|CW| L Wait |
<% While not rs.eof %>|
<%= rs("CSQName") %> | <%= rs("availableAgents") %>  | <%= rs("callsWaiting") %>  |<%= rs("convOldestContact")%><%

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