Earlier this year, I decided to do some Microsoft Azure upskilling. As part of our Microsoft Partner status, we get Azure credits along with other benefits. We decided to re-platform our services and using Azure made sense.
It can be over whelming when first accessing Azure. There are so many services, products and features it can be hard to see the wood for the trees! One advantage is there is so much information availible out there, however Azure changes so frequently it can become out of date.
I was going to work towards the Azure Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) then Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) however I learnt one morning that Microsoft was going to change their certification schemes. I also learnt the new exams were in Beta AND there was a 80% discount for the first 300 applicants (worldwide)
I managed to bag both the AZ-100 and AZ-101 exams, with only just under one month to take them. There was also no study guides as such, other than the exam synopsis. Luckilly, I had been studying against the MCSE track and there was some overlap….. Lots and lots of studying however.
In August I took the exams not knowing if I had passed or not. Microsoft only release exam results once the exams go public. A week or so ago, i suddently had an email saying congrats on passing both of them. I was pleased as it made the hard work worthwile.
So its another certification for the bag. Not sure if Ill continue, but suspect I may or do one of the Amazon AWS exams to keep neutral 🙂

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